• Breaking News

    Saturday, October 5, 2019

    Cube World It has almost been a week since release...

    Cube World It has almost been a week since release...

    It has almost been a week since release...

    Posted: 05 Oct 2019 06:53 AM PDT

    Plz no Wollay

    Posted: 05 Oct 2019 06:57 AM PDT

    Here are some new daggers being added to the weapons modpack I'm making. Now called Fantastical Weapons!

    Posted: 04 Oct 2019 06:07 PM PDT

    Just a group of Vampires casually walking in the burning hot Desert.

    Posted: 04 Oct 2019 10:36 PM PDT

    where’s wol_lay?

    Posted: 04 Oct 2019 06:46 PM PDT

    Let's be honest, our Alpha playtime was light years longer than full release

    Posted: 05 Oct 2019 05:32 AM PDT

    You guys seen one of these before? can't find anything on the wiki for it and i want to tame one.

    Posted: 04 Oct 2019 10:00 PM PDT

    If only i played ranger...

    Posted: 05 Oct 2019 08:20 AM PDT

    (Part 1/2) Analysis of the game mechanics, current problems and suggestions/wild ideas.

    Posted: 05 Oct 2019 05:21 AM PDT

    (Part 1/2) Analysis of the game mechanics, current problems and suggestions/wild ideas.

    This is part 1 of 2.

    Second part can be find here:


    The whole thing can also be read here:


    Analysis of the game mechanics,current problems and suggestions and wild ideas. Part 1

    Hello cubers, Hello Wollay and Pixxie.

    I played the alpha when it came out and, as many of us did, and saw the huge potential the game had. Obviously, I was excited with the news of the game being updated. I have played the beta for around 30 hours now. Completed 4 regions thoroughly, explored others for fun.

    The game is not perfect. The community is clearly divided about the changes applied and the decisions taken by W&P (I, as many, don't approve of the lack of communication either but this is another topic and their choice only). Here I will try to summarize what is the current state of the game, and some of the arising problems (big or small) that IMMHO hinder the experience of the player.

    Disclaimer: I would like to point out that the suggested solutions are made regardless of the workload/worktime involved. It is an independent project, a passion project and Wollay (even if helped by Pixxie) is alone on this, and the implementation of any modification WILL AND SHOULD NATURALLY TAKE TIME to be balanced and enjoyable. The aim here is to provide constructive criticism of the current state of the game and solutions to improve enjoyment and reduce frustration without changing the current main features. This means by keeping Gear-based progression and region locking in mind, as they are here to stay anyway.

    The core gameplay of the game (according to the newly updated website: https://www.cubeworld.com) currently is to:

    -explore the region you are in, get quests

    -progressively fight increasingly stronger enemies to obtain increasingly stronger gears

    -ultimately obtain artifacts, which are the main goal of the game

    I. Start of the game

    The very first time you play a character, you will be spawned at an activated shrine near a town. In this town you will be able at the very beginning to change specialization, fly freely to a friend, and talk to NPCs to obtain quests. Please note this is considering a new player perspective.

    Problem: There is currently a problematic lack of information.

    From the perspective of a new player, you don't know how the system of enemy difficulty works (the star system in the option does help) or what your class and specialization can accomplish. This, combined with the lack of potions/heal availability at the start, make the first encounters inexplicably challenging and frustrating.You also don't have established goal, since this is not a survival game.

    Suggested solution: Hometowns a smoother introduction to the game mechanics.

    What I propose is making one of the villages in each region a potential hometown. It would be located roughly at the center of the region and Human characters could spawn in Plains village, Frogmen in Wetlands, Elves in Woodlands, Dwarves in Hills, etc…The character would be linked to this village and the Hometown would be immune to petrification and possession.

    Near each building of importance, a NPC could be here to introduce you to some of the mechanics of the game.

    -A GuildMaster could teach you how your class works and tell you about the other specialization briefly. He would ask you to go try to kill a bunch of white mobs like Moles to train. You could then fight him, a blue level enemy, and get owned hard just so you understand to not go in under leveled.

    -A Carpenter or a Smith could teach you crafting, gives you a bunch of materials to craft some armor.

    -A Priest could teach you about your first bit of lore and how to use Shrines of life. He could mark on your map nearby shrines too.

    -An Apothecary could give you a Petfood corresponding to a nearby Neutral creature, and a couple of empty bottles so you can craft your first potions.

    Other NPCs in a hometown (and in villages in general) would exclusively give white (and possibly green) quests at first, localized in the nearby area. One of these could be "Free the chatterbox.", a NPC that, once saved, would be localized in the hometown and either could sell you info on quests of higher levels or make so that other NPCs would give you more quests.

    To end your hometown questline, a small dungeon or boss could be found nearby, awarding you with your very first artifact: the Amulet/Crown/Scepter/Ring/Stone/Comb of Adventure, giving you +10% running speed to

    Oh boy! You are going on an adventure!

    II. Exploration

    Currently, exploring the game is walking from one point of interest to another. It can be done passively: randomly running and spotting something/or an NPC; or actively by running towards a quest or by…opening the map and looking directly for oddities that appears on it. Looking at your map like this is intended (again: https://www.cubeworld.com ) and someone who look at the map just a little can tell you where most of the artifacts, shrines, and all the points of interest are located and is currently the only way to find Shrine and Villages efficiently.This system of an already completed map combined with ability of the player to fly over great distances for money goes against the exploration and discovery aspects that are at the center of the game..

    A fog of war (like there was in the alpha) could greatly enhance the sensation of discovery and exploration…Yet right now this solution is not viable...

    Problem: ...Because there is currently no reliable way to obtain information about the region otherwise.

    NPCs are scattered and met by chance during exploration and in villages, and 80% of them will not give you any piece of valuable information, the ones who does often giving you quests way above your current gear-level.

    Suggested solution: Roads, Travelling NPCs, Accessibility to fast travel and quests.

    The lack of information could be first resolved through the friendly NPCs you come across while travelling. First by making them easier to find by making them stay on or near roads and secondly by making them talk about the surrounding region if they do not have quests per se. Nothing would appear on the map, but one could tell you "We are going to X village which is further north down this road." or "We were lucky that there was a shrine of life a little bit south of here".

    Roads could also give you a running speed bonus (I suspect this is already slightly the case, but I could be wrong) and be automatically followed if you are on a mount (*cough* botw *cough*) adding a reason to stick to roads for new players. Greater chance of finding Heartflowers could also be a good reason to stick to roads in the beginning and a way to resolve the lack of accessible heal at the start of the game.

    Shrines, which act as respawn points and fast-travel points, are currently found exclusively by looking at the map. There is no challenge, no discovery, and no reward apart from not having to walk again if you die. Other ways to locate shrine would be a good addition:

    -How about the statue inside the shrine being rotated towards the nearest one, thus building a network throughout the region ?

    -Or an item like the treasure spirit that would point towards a shrine if the player is close to one ?

    With each activated shrine, the player could obtain a small item that could be traded to specific NPCs (like the currently questionably useful Gem Traders?) to reveal the nearest quest of the level of your choosing. Hence not only exploration would be easier, it would be rewarded with a sense of progression. Each shrine could also give you access to a small part of the map.

    Flightmasters could be used exclusively in Multiplayer to join your friends. It could also be used to link villages only: for example once the region is safer because you managed to .

    III. Progression.

    Currently there are 6 ways in which you can progress in Cube World:

    Three are tied to the region you are in:

    • -You gain increasingly stronger Armor.
    • -You gain increasingly stronger Weapon damage.
    • -You complete increasingly "difficult" quests.
    • -You gain increasingly efficient mean of exploration with Specials (Boat, Handglider, Reins…).

    One is tied to your character:

    • -Artifacts: Increasingly stronger exploration stats.

    And one is tied to the player:

    • -The increasing knowledge the player has of the mechanics and the combat system

    a. Weapon scaling

    First and foremost, Weapons and Armors. Currently within a given region, no restrictions are in place as to what armor/weapon you can wear or not. For your overall armor, it's not a big deal and I think the system works nicely. You get small increments of stats every time you find a better piece, slowly becoming tankier. The fact that your EHP stat is scattered over multiple pieces of equipment enable a steady but not explosive growth.

    Problem: For weapons however, this progression is much more irregular. Firstly, the RNG will make sometimes difficult to find the appropriate weapon (Especially if you fancy a particular style: Wand vs Scepter). Secondly, the tier system makes it that the increments of power are far too significant. This often leads to either the player having trouble defeating an enemy / group of enemies or having no problem at all. This is obviously also linked to some issues with the combat system and we will come to that later, but combat difficulty is currently too much related to your weapon damage, which is changing too irregularly.

    Suggested solution: Weapons as catalysts for Spirits.

    Instead of making the weapon stats scale with its rarity, how about reintroducing the spirit system.

    Each weapon depending on its rarity would have slightly different base stats (a legendary weapon without spirits being like a current green weapon stats-wise) AND a fixed number of slots for spirits (let's say 0,5,10,15,20). Spirits would drop uncommonly from regular mobs and commonly from Bosses, and be region-locked in place of weapons. Each spirit would give small stats linked to their nature and rarity, and add active effects to your R-click and Ultimate.

    This would make damage scalability much smoother and rewarding and give more reasons to beat up random mobs. Furthermore, some situations/enemies of higher level could require a specific set of spirits (Holy spirits vs Undead or Fire Spirits vs Yetis).

    This would also bring back weapon customization, a feature loved and missed from the alpha. The player could also acquire cosmetic cubes (gems for example), that would not add any stats.


    Legendary weapons could be reintroduced as very rare rewards, from dungeons and arenas. You could keep weapons between regions (if you have a cool-looking one) but not spirits which would make changing region much more smooth since weapons would still have some base stats, but it would not be too impacting.

    This would also help remove +weapons, which are for me ruining the whole point of region-based progression (having a Legendary + weapon literally unlock the whole next region… so what's the point ?)

    b. Quests: structures and accessibility.

    Currently the player obtain quests randomly by talking to NPCs. The given quests are not taking into account your current gear level, and their placements are currently randomised.

    Problem: This often leads to the player coming out a village without white quests identified on the map and hence no immediate goal apart from roaming or looking on the map and flying (this again hindering greatly the exploration aspect). Relying on said map for finding quests also is unreliable as you have no way to ensure that a point of interest is a quest of your level.

    Solution: More quests structures. and accessibility.

    A player that just arrived in a region should have increased chance of finding white and green quests to kick-off his/her gear collecting.

    This could be achieved by having the NPCs giving more quests, but also quests depending on your current Weapon and Armor levels.

    Also more structures in the repartition of the quest throughout the region could also improve the experience: white and green missions near villages, blue and purple quests in more dangerous areas (volcanoes, lava lakes, cemeteries). It would make sense that people would settle as far away as danger as possible.

    submitted by /u/Zornithorinque
    [link] [comments]

    What a ride it's been!

    Posted: 05 Oct 2019 04:47 AM PDT

    I first subscribed to this subreddit, likely close to its inception, when Wollay first announced the game. I held off on the alpha, I think, because I'd recently been burned by project zomboid (which itself is a lengthy story of failure turned to triumph).

    When Wollay went dark and the alpha began to seem like the only game we were ever going to get, I stayed here just for the hope that one day there would be vindication. Plus, it's not like it was really cluttering my news feed.

    When the beta came out, I was counting the days until I could buy in and see the dream fulfilled. But, by the time of public release, it became obvious that Cubeworld wasn't going to be for me in its current state.

    And now here we are, Wollay has gone dark a second time and I sense a pattern. Whether or not he reappears in the distant future to update the game, it's time for me to move on.

    Not every story gets a happy ending and not everyone who experiences success and noteriery is capable of handling it. It's no one's fault and I wish everyone, especially Wollay and Pixie, well, but as for me, it's time for me to get off this particular ride. I'm moving on and giving up on the dream of the Cubeworld that might have been.

    Good luck everyone and I hope this community sees the redemption such loyalty and hope deserve.

    submitted by /u/Ashyr
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    My friend getting chased by the crab

    Posted: 04 Oct 2019 01:13 PM PDT

    (Part 2/2) Analysis of the game mechanics, current problems and suggestions/wild ideas.

    Posted: 05 Oct 2019 05:21 AM PDT

    (Part 2/2) Analysis of the game mechanics, current problems and suggestions/wild ideas.

    This is part 2 of 2.

    First part can be find here:


    The whole thing can also be read here:


    c. Travelling, Specials and Artifacts.

    Currently you get better ways of travelling and exploring as you explore a region with Specials (Boat,Glider,/Reins), and as you complete the hardest challenges with Artifacts, effectively giving you a sense of progression. Most if not all are QOL boost and gaining new ways of traveling and exploring a region is fun. Soaring through the skies and see the landscapes is enjoyable, more so in Cube World than in BotW for me, which I think is one of the big selling points of the game.Yet upon reaching a new region, this slight QOL is taken away from you, effectively making you lose all progress apart from the small increments that artifacts give you.

    Problem: The loss of QOL Specials is detrimental to exploration as it makes you rely on the Flight master to explore a new region. This also leads to having to make the Specials in each region easier to find (in a middle of a lake or forest without enemies) removing not only possible additional events that could take place in these locations, but also any sense of accomplishment. You got the Hang Glider…because someone told you it was there. A common opinion that I share is also the lack of relevance of artifacts, the supposedly ultimate goal of the game.

    Suggested solution: Rarer to find but permanent Specials that would act as roadblock, reintroducing exploration as the main goal of CW.

    Switching the main goal of the game to obtaining new way of exploring the world would fit perfectly with the current state of Cube World imo. Adding permanent Specials as a reward for bigger accomplishments would be a first step towards a better feeling of interregional progression. Artifacts could even be replaced with some kind of spirits to be added to the specials to customize theirs stats.

    Each region could have two Specials. One obtained midway through completing a region (a blue dungeon that is very well known by NPCs) and one at the ultimate dungeon of the region (red tier?). Each type of regions could be known to have a pair of specials (Plains would always contain Reins and a Glider) and obtaining an already possessed specials would just improve the efficiency of it (like artifacts do).

    Wild idea: Regions could be linked to two elements, each element being linked to an item.


    A region would always contains the specials linked to its elements: e.g. Plains → Glider and Traveler's Blessing; Wetlands → Boat and Reins. Some regions could also be explorable only if the player has the right item, making regions increasingly challenging to explore (enemy difficulty would of course follow).


    The Region would always contains specials linked to their elements: Plains: Glider and Traveler's Blessing, Wetlands: Boat and Reins. Some regions could also be explorable only if the player has the right item, making regions increasingly challenging to explore (enemy difficulty would of course follow).

    New specials could be added:

    Traveler's blessing: Passive item increasing your running speed as long as you don't jump (useful for flat terrains vs Reins that would be useful for accidented terrain).

    Demon's spleen: Greatly increase your swimming speed and diving capacity.

    Scepter of fire: Increase your light radius and can be used to create an updraft for the Glider. Also provides protection to low temperatures

    Dragon's liver: Increase your poison resistance greatly.

    Spirit Bell(Rework): Decrease the strength of your spirit: making you weaker but also unnoticeable by greater entities (like Wraiths).

    Amulet of Frost: Makes you resistant to extreme temperatures.

    Along with new regions:

    Capital cities: the milestone before the start of the end game.

    Poisonous sea: An ocean of a toxic substance.

    Stormlands: A region constantly stricken by huge thunderstorms.

    Sacred lands: A land protected by a gigantic chiasm.

    Abyss: A big hole in the ocean floor, where light is rare and dangers lurks everywhere.

    I'm fantasizing ? Probably… But it would be still cool af and it's enjoyable to imagine what the game could be… or could have been.

    Some structures within a region could only be accessible after obtaining a Specials from another region, adding reasons for you to come back to already explored lands (e.g. Sky whistle, Climbing spikes). The list of possible Specials could be very large, each tied to a particular biome but each still being only QOL: a Hook; an Item that spawn a Whirlwind for Hand gliding; a portable Shrine of life; a tent to pass the night without having to go to an inn; a Compendium of the History of the Gnobold tribe, unlocking the race in the character creator; a scuba to explore underwater effectively making the ocean interesting…).

    d. Combat system and character progression

    Combat is currently pretty straight forward: Aiming, Stunning, Dodging, Keeping the Combo up for DPS, drinking potions in absence of a healer or lifesteal. Pets are currently a boost to your DPS without proper roles. And…that's it. Combat is in my opinion the root of a lot of the problems Cube World is facing. The ideas that Wollay is experimenting with this game are in essence really interesting and clever: an A-RPG with a virtually infinite progression system and world. It's the dream for many players. And it's technically what we got, even in the alpha days. The problem is predictability and diversity.

    Problem: The lack of predictability and diversity in the enemies AI encountered and of the lack of tools and evolution at the disposition of the player greatly impairs the overall replayability. This leads to player getting bored after 30-40 hours of play.

    Solution : Combat/Enemies AI rework. Adding horizontal character progression.

    Difficulty is (again) tied too closely to the quality of your weapon and not enough to the skill of the player. Currently you win by healing faster than your enemies are dealing DPS (Water Mage, Warriors), or bursting and evading your opponent before he burst you (Rogue, Ranger, Fire Mage).

    More diversity in enemies' behaviors would force the player to prepare and adapt his/her strategy depending on the situation. More recognizable and slower patterns for each attack could also add to the predictability of an encounter, instead of being stun out of nowhere or instantly erased by Fire missiles. Wildlife could be for the most part white and green mobs and be basic fights. Blue, Purple and Yellow mobs could have different skills that the player would have to be aware of (possibly by getting information on this enemy through quests for example!) when engaging them.

    Potion could have a cooldown and be instant (Terraria like) instead of being you running away and actively cheesing the fight.

    More diversity in the combat experience could also be added through horizontal character progression: the player will not get stronger as he gains levels but will have access to a greater number of tools. This is already partially the case with the two specialization within each class, but the differences are too subtle for now. The user Duuko made an excellent post last week where he talks exhaustively of how horizontal progression could be beneficial to the game: https://www.reddit.com/r/CubeWorld/comments/d97j24/cube_world_needs_horizontal_progression/

    d. Diversity and uniqueness.

    Lastly, is the diversity of the world, of the Biomes and the structures encountered. Currently there are: Plains, Hills, Wetlands, Deserts, Mountains, Woodlands, Firelands, Undead lands, Snowlands, Savannah and Oceans (may be missing some, will edit if needed). Some of those feels empty (Desert/Oceans/FireLands), some feel alive and mysterious (Undead Lands, Hills).

    Problem: Again, two regions of the same biome are different, but don't feel unique.

    In an infinite world, the feeling of deja vu is unavoidable obviously. Yet the feeling of uniqueness is absent where it should not be.

    Suggested solution: Diversity. Global lore. Manmade land.

    More diversity within the same type of biome could also make exploring new regions interesting. Plains with Red grass, Hills where the stones are black, Snowlands with pink snow. Unknown and surprising landscapes that would not be spottable on the map. Fauna and flora could also have more variant (desert runner, plain runner…. How about a pink runner on pink snow?). A good example of a system like this is the game Starbound. Nothing would change gameplay wise, but the player would have a feeling of "dépaysement", a welcome change of scenery.

    Similarly, some drops could be region based:

    Pet food: The pet food droppable in a region would always correspond to the creatures of the biome.

    Weapons and armors: Some weapon and armor skins would be stylized according to the biome (Scimitar for deserts, Wooden Clubs for Jungles…).

    Some unlockable haircut and tattoos for you character through a NPCs in a village.

    Dyes: specific to a biome and its vegetation to color your armor.

    This would add another reason to explore the world.

    Randomly generated lore is also a funny gimmick, but not interesting at the moment. Uniqueness and feeling of progress lore-wise could be achieved by adding a global, man-made lore to the world. Throughout its exploration, the player could encounter stone with random bits of a big text that he could record in a log (gosh I can't stop memeing...). The text would be complete after 100 stones found (~10 regions explored) and would be about the origin of the world (the game) and its creation by "Gods" (Wollay and Pixxie), with analogies to the development and problems encountered while making the game. It would speak of the Cult of Doom, the Unholy Pact, the Order of Light and the Steel Empire. After obtaining all 100 pieces of lore, the player could gain access to a special man-made region, with a last series of quest, a final boss, etc…(An even crazier idea would be 10 000 different bits of texts, that the community could piece together on a wiki, or trade via multiplayer, revealing a story common to all). But I'm getting ahead of myself a bit here.

    TL:DR and Conclusion:

    The game is not perfect. Some decisions were taken for clear and unclear reasons with varying results. Yet the system implemented by Wollay is not inherently bad and have a lot of qualities. A more engaging early game with more information about some of the mechanics could be very beneficial to the experience of new players and a smoother entry into the world. Better tools for exploration, a more structured quest system and smoother weapon scaling could also help make the exploration and progression feel less driven by luck and RNG.

    I personally think that the only features that are ONLY hindering the experience right now are: the absence of fog-of-war in association with the flight master, which hinder the exploration aspect of the game but are currently necessary due to problems mentioned above; and the + gear system which throw off the balance of region-based system which I believe, is not a bad system per se.

    Ultimate goals should, in my opinion, be switched to permanent Specials, which should be used as roadblock, hence giving a sense of progression. Main objective should be exploration in itself not the artifact at the end.

    Ultimately, I believe that the combat system should be tweaked to feel less chaotic and more predictable, adding horizontal character progression in order to increase replayability.

    If you have come this far, thank you for reading this post. Again these are my opinions on the game and me trying my best to imagine constructive ways to improve the current state of the game. Some of the ideas are inspired by already announced content, that may or may not be added in the future.

    This post will probably be forgotten in the archive of Reddit and the Steam forums, but I'm glad I did it. I enjoyed imagining ways to better this game that I love. I will wait for the next update like I waited for the past 6 years, maybe in vain, who knows ? And if in 10 years, an update with even 25% of the things that were announced is released, I will surely played Cube World again. And if not, it will be okay. I had fun.

    I wish you all a good day. Best of luck to Wollay and Pixxie.


    submitted by /u/Zornithorinque
    [link] [comments]

    I think that the game wants to tell me something

    Posted: 04 Oct 2019 03:21 PM PDT

    Requested by Cube World fans, spent over 6 hours on analysis editing etc. Hope you enjoy reddit ;)

    Posted: 05 Oct 2019 08:27 AM PDT

    Took u/xpacepotato and u/tjcola ‘s advice

    Posted: 04 Oct 2019 08:27 PM PDT

    What its feeling like.

    Posted: 04 Oct 2019 12:14 PM PDT

    What's this weir little icon below the gold count?

    Posted: 05 Oct 2019 07:09 AM PDT

    Firelands seem to have pretty good ore deposits

    Posted: 04 Oct 2019 01:52 PM PDT

    Just changed region and realized this op weapon was a PLUS!

    Posted: 05 Oct 2019 08:48 AM PDT

    Im having a good time

    Posted: 05 Oct 2019 08:38 AM PDT

    Ive been playing with my friends as a Fire Mage and im just enjoying the game. Every new region is fun to look through, hearing different music is a plus, especially after a bunch of hours in one region, and finding a pair of legendary boots in a hollow log together was great because my friend said "yo we got some new yeezys" and we all just were having a good time. i guess anything is better with friends though. But now we're setting self made goals, my friend wants enough riding speed artifacts to go way too fast, i want enough swimming artifacts to be able to zip across the ocean, and another friend wants to blind people with his lamp. Region locking is actually kinda fun imo, i dont want to be slaughtering everything and being overpowered the whole time, and it makes every armor/weapon drop more satisfying. This is just how i feel about the game from my experience.

    submitted by /u/SlotMachineGun777
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    Well, I think the game looks nice

    Posted: 04 Oct 2019 11:30 PM PDT

    Destroyed the mana crystal at the top of the tower, but the mana walls are still here? Any tips or help?

    Posted: 05 Oct 2019 05:29 AM PDT

    Snapchat stop

    Posted: 04 Oct 2019 11:19 PM PDT

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